(singing and dancing) It's my birthday, it's my birthday💃🏽. Today I am deeper into the over 40 crowd, and I'm ok with it. In my head I want to party all day and night, but my body says otherwise😩. I'm going to be honest with you. I'm afraid if I try to dance too hard or try to twerk, I will never get back up. My body hurts & my knees make noise when I move. Trying to walk the stairs nearly take me out. I guess I should thank the Military for the gifts I was left with😂. The struggle is real, but I'm still living my best life on occasion. I have heard that people become depressed because a birthday signifies aging, but I say.. embrace it! Be thankful that you are alive to see another year, another milestone & another day that you woke up.
Stay tuned for more of my blogs.
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